Once again, it's time to pick new teams for the next challenge. But this time, it's done in a different way: Each contestant shoots an arrow at a target 12 feet away in a grassy area just outside the hotel. The challenge simulates a common activity at Camp Paradise, where the winner will eventually go. The one closest to the bullseye gets to pick his or her team for the elimination task later. Oh, and one more thing: The participants are blindfolded. Nonetheless, Adam, who has a professional bowhunting contract, is the winner, at just four inches from the center. His picks are Brooke, Casey, Deb, and Meredith; so the other team is ButtaFly, Jason, Wayne, Pam, and Tim.
Adam puts Brooke in charge of the menu and preparation, but Brooke makes a huge mistake by putting too many items on the menu and having more food than she can afford. On the other hand, the leftovers team argue so long about the menu that its shopping time is barely more than half that of Adam's team.
More drama occurs during the subsequent preparation: Wayne suffers minor burns from an overheated pot and Brooke and Deb shout loudly at each other in a dispute about preparation times. But somehow, it all comes together for the serving.
During the service, students taste samples of both the barbequed ribs from Adam's team in the red-colored plates and the beef brisket from the other team in the blue-colored plates. After they eat, they vote by putting a slip of paper with the appropriate color in a ballot box. The first to reach 76 votes wins the challenge. The vote is back-and-forth for about the first 60 ballots, until the blue team pulls away late, winning the task and safety for ButtaFly, Jason, Wayne, Pam, and Tim.
The judgment at the hotel is the easiest of the season, and possibly ever. Brooke had overstuffed the menu, was rude to her fellow contestants, and didn't seem to sell hard enough when it came time to gather the votes. It was so bad that Brandon McLamb reveals that, even if the red team had won, Brooke would still have been subject to elimination. When it comes time to defend herself, Brooke simply tells the panel, "Well, I can't. I should have done better, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry for myself and my lovely kids." With that, Brooke is sent home; at the end of the show, she says that her consolation is that she can return home to her three children.
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