Alonzo "Popeye" Barefoot montages
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(Top) Popeye's trunk in sitting position: From photo of Shelton Barefoot, owner of Barefoot's Auto Mart in Dunn, NC (has since been taken down, but seen on the right), flipped horizontally; Brack Maggard's face superimposed. As for the boat: It is a 2014 Sun Tracker Party Barge 24 DLX available from Bass Pro Shops; footprint posted on the Barefoot Chiropractic & Wellness home page (the practice is located in Tempe, AZ); boat name written with Monotype Corsiva font
(Bottom) Popeye and Annie's tops recolored pink ("Pink Party") using hue and saturation adjustments; lettering with Monotype Corsiva font; faces superimposed over two of the original players' tops; picture of game table courtesy of Irving Park United Methodist Church in Greensboro, NC; backdrop adapted from "A Bridge Too Far," How to Cheat in Photoshop CS6 by Steve Caplin
Down Home magazine cover
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Bonnie Mae Brookshire, whose name I used as an "artist" on this cover, was a real person who lived in eastern Tennessee. She died in 2013 at age 100; here's her obituary.
Gillie Ann "Annie" Barefoot montages
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(Top) Background photo is from a quilting bee that was part of a historical reenactment of 19th century life that took place at Wolcott Mill in suburban Detroit. The original faces were covered up with those of Brenda, Annie, Jennifer, and Brandy.
(Bottom) Background for this "publicity photo" comes from a farm house in Maine owned by two actors who were part of a film called, ironically, Barefoot Country Girl. The women - in the same formation as in the other picture - wore gowns I picked up from an Australian online gown store; the same gown was used for each, but three of them were re-colored (all but the red one Brandy is wearing).
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(Top) Background photo from a file placed by Shelly Ritchie, who like Poirier teaches Photoshop at ABC Adult School; faces of 11 original subjects replaced as follows: (top row) Lollie [Dae Barefoot, Dunn, NC], Allene [Jill McLamb Barefoot, Benson, NC], Labell [Donald Barefoot, Benson, NC], Annie [Emily Barefoot], Popeye [Brack Maggard], Ralph [Brett Barefoot], Noah Jr. [Scott Ruttencutter, Madison, WI]; (bottom row) Elma [Beverly Baldridge, Searcy, AR], Becky, Brookie, and Beth [all original photos; however, Brookie's face was re-colored that of this "barefoot cowgirl" subject]
(Bottom) Background is from Gil Rosario's Pinterest page; clothes are from one of five kinds of flapper outfits (pink, blue, dark red, light red, medium red); faces are as follows from left to right: Brenda (Kim Blitchington), Rozelle (Bonnie Baldridge, Jayton, TX), Brandy (Amanda Barefoot), Elma (Beverly Baldridge), Jennifer (Brandy Barefoot, Opp, AL), Ila Ruth (Brett Marie Bruce, Fullerton, CA), Allene (Jill McLamb Barefoot), Patsy (Becca Gladden, Phoenix, AZ), Janice (Michele Lawrence, Bellflower, CA), Betty Lou (Barbara Barber, Longmont, CO), Annie (Emily Barefoot), Myrtle (Carol Baltimore, Powhatan, VA)
Ralph Barefoot montages
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(Top left) Background photo from Adam Brister's Facebook page; caption using a serif font; dog tag adapted from screen capture of scene from Mud Lovin' Rednecks, which aired on Animal Planet in 2011
(Top right) Background photo from Adam Brister's Facebook page; only alteration is substitution of Ralph/Brett Barefoot's face for Brister's
(Bottom) Background photo from Adam Brister's Facebook page; Atlanta Braves logo "airbrushed" out and replaced by two versions of one of the footprints from the Barefoot Chiropractic & Wellness front page
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(Top) Street view of Long Branch Church in Meadow, NC from Google Maps
(Bottom) Ralph/Brett Barefoot's face superimposed in picture of Clinton Randall, pastor of Unity Presbyterian Church, which is also located in Meadow
Harvey Barefoot montages
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(Top) Background from; Leonardo diCaprio's picture reproduced and duplicated four times for each quartet member with faces placed on top, from left to right: Popeye (Brack Maggard), Harvey (Justin Barefoot), Landon Jr. (Mike McBunch, barber and administrator), Ralph (Brett Barefoot)
(Bottom) Scrapbook created as follows: Football picture is his face combined with a vintage Chicago Bears uniform design seen at the online NFL Shop; wrestling picture from coach Ken Chertow's website; softball background taken at Big League Dreams Sports Park in Chino Hills, CA at its replica of Fenway Park; cap taken from Popeye/Maggard photo, painted black, and topped with a stylized "B" in Edwardian font; uniform top from Milwaukee Brewers' uniforms found at Major League Baseball's online store; "BLACKIES" written using Birch Standard font arched; number in Birch Std., patch is picture of American black bear found on Wikipedia; pants, belt, and shoes from Campbell University softball team photo; bat is Louisville Slugger Z-3000 found at, Harvey is holding it with Mariam Nasrollahi's arms "bent" for effect; shadow created manually
Reba Pearl "Hambone" Barefoot montages
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Background is a pattern I downloaded from Greeting Card Factory; body is a video capture from the Steve Hickman hambone performance video (see previous post for link); Hawaiian shirt is replaced by recolored ladies' top through reshaping and blending mode changes; original pants given a lighter shade by lowering the saturation
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(Top left) Interior of log cabin courtesy of Homylicious; "map" depicted in original picture replaced by a montage I created with Hambone's immediate family set in a meadow Poirier put in the school files; license plate inscription made with Orator Standard font and bevel-and-emboss effect and placed on this blank North Carolina license plate. Hambone's face is a second picture of Alyssa Barefoot as she is going to a restaurant; shirt is a replica New Orleans Saints jersey overlayed with Nasrollahi's camo pattern from the senior class photo; her coveralls is the Washington Dee Cee model found at Vintage Trends; arms are from the Brittany Barefoot senior class photo mentioned in the first post.

(Bottom) Satellite image of 851 Oak Forest Drive, Four Oaks, NC, courtesy of Google Maps. I used Snipping Tool to outline what the camp would look like.
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(Top) Vehicle picture courtesy of; original face replaced by the Alyssa Barefoot secondary photo; decal courtesy of Dixie Outfitters. (Because of issues in downloading the original photo of the four-wheeler, I have placed a copy of it on this page.)
(Bottom) Backdrop is a briar patch, courtesy of a forum for tractor owners; clothing comes from the Miller-Nasrollahi-Barefoot senior picture, duplicated four times to accommodate the 15-person hunting party; faces are as follows: Landon (Johnny McLamb), Nokelee (Bill Bump, pastor of Lawrence First Methodist Church in Kansas), Bobby Ray (Travis Sampson), Buddy Wayne (Bubba Britton), Labell (Donald Barefoot), Cooter (Aaron Strickland), Boo Boo (buzzcut man), Hambone (Alyssa Barefoot), Bear (unknown race-car driver), Lil' Jack (Blake Barefoot), Popeye (Brack Maggard), Ralph (Brett Barefoot), Harvey (Justin Barefoot), Noah (Bob Baltimore, husband of Carol), Alfred (Buddy Baldridge, husband of Bonnie)
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Halter top from Amazon, re-colored pink by way of hue and saturation; talk bubble from video capture of the lyrics video of "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)," recorded by Pink in 2012; font was VAGRounded BT
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