In the leadoff position is the "Showdown at Las Positas" movie poster honoring Bryson's love for Westerns. The "after" picture is noticeably better as Bryson is shown in a natural pose for the cameras riding his horse. I did my best to show the same thing in "before," but it looked very weird, as if I was depicting a lifesize version of a poorly-drawn sports-team logo. As before, the clothes came from the Party City store online; however, instead of standing it up and trying to make it work somehow, I went online and retrieved a shot of a show jumper at an equestrian event. The jumper represents the pose that would work the best for placing Bryson's face in place of the Party City model. Cloning was used for the difference between the Party City standup picture and that of the equestrian.
The next "before" and "after" replaces the license plate that is part of the "promo" of season 2 of What the Buck?, the "reality comedy" starring Hambone. I have changed the inscription on the plate from "BLOW ME" to the more family-friendly "MUDG1RL"; obviously, the "1" replaces the letter "I." Also of note is that the plate location is flush left instead of centered.

Finally, I have taken the red blush off of Little Jack's look in the 15-person hunting party photograph, and he now looks closer to the What the Buck? season 1 picture. It took four different adjustment layers (hue and saturation, brightness and contract, levels, and curves) to achieve this.