As a lifelong resident of southern California, I have lived through many earthquakes before, but I have never been in a car prior to the one that occurred on Friday night. We (my father and I) both thought that it was some kind of failure with the car we were in at the time. Only after we arrived home did my mother (his wife) tell us that it was indeed an earthquake. And the scary thing is, all of us are told always to expect the worst, maybe something like the 7.1 that hit 25 years ago and disrupted the World Series that year. I don't know if I would be able to live through that!
OK, now on to Hambone. Since I created the character some two years ago, I have tried to find a way to show all of you her hidden talent: playing music with her body. I tried to turn this YouTube video into a "performance" using Adobe Premiere Pro, but I just wasn't able to finish; besides, it wouldn't look right anyway, much like one of the funny videos on JibJab. Prior to that, I captured one of the scenes as a still photo and superimposed Hambone over it, but it didn't look right, because it looked more like Reba Pearl was doing the Macarena instead of a hambone.
So this week I revisited it with some changes:
- The background photo is lifted directly from a screen grab of Steve Hickman's original performance (shown below). Before that, only his hands were used. In the sitting position, the performer is slapping his (her) right arm on the right knee while the other hand overlaps free.
- I replaced Hickman's Hawaiian shirt with a ladies' tee and re-colored the shirt pink.
- Using the same technique of making a selection and applying hue/saturation, the color of the pants went from Hickman's white to Hambone's blue.
- I made sure to line up Reba Pearl's face with the shoulders of the original photo.
Here are the before and after.
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