B.W.: We left our hotel room at 10 a.m. This was well before the game started, but we did so to allow for the possibilities of a huge traffic jam on U.S. 101 - the main route between our hotel near San Francisco International Airport and Levi's Stadium - and a long wait to get into the stadium area itself as everyone had to pass through strict security. However, the journey was smoother than we thought, and it took a little more than an hour for us to get there. We passed security in about 10 minutes, so from 11:30 on we just roamed the stadium, talked to fellow fans who also showed up early, and signed autographs.
B.R.: As mentioned yesterday, joining us today are our wives Jennifer and Brittany and our daughters Belinda and Lizzie. Also in our box at Levi's Stadium are Brittany's brothers Blanton Spears Jr. and Belcher Spears; Jen's parents John and Marshalene Pope, brother Jake Pope, and sister Melissa Rankin; Brandon McLamb and his girlfriend (and my cousin) Kim Strickland; and Paul H. Bryant, sports information director for the Meadow School programs.
Just before I arrived in my seat, I stopped by the media credentials center to be fitted for a GoPro device. This is a miniature camera unit that will capture my thoughts and actions in a first-person format. NFL.com will have a live feed and taped highlights will almost certainly be on TV as well.
B.W.: When he finally got to our seats at about 2:30 p.m., we felt an overwhelming feeling that words cannot describe. The stadium looked bigger than any I've ever seen in my life! After team warmups, the next act was to introduce all of the living athletes who have been named Super Bowl MVP. That's when it hit me that all of this was really happening in front of us.
B.R.: By the way, I can't believe the booing of Tom Brady. My brother is a Broncos fan and even he laughed.
B.W.: Either they all think he's a cheater or they're just being jealous. By the way, Lady Gaga really surprised me. She has a beautiful voice, dressed decently, and had reverence for the song and what it means to this country.
B.R.: Surprised? That's what happened when you ignore the warnings of Brandon McLamb! Anyway, the kickoff was the biggest rush I've ever felt in my life around a sports event. The only thing I could compare it to was when I took the stage with my fiddle in the New Jerusalem.
B.W.: As the game progressed, I could tell that Bobby was more agitated and impatient on his team's performance. Although both teams struggled to move the ball throughout the game, I think his lack of confidence had to do with how well our defense was controlling the play. Even as we kept getting three-and-out drives, I knew that we could contain the Panthers time after time.
B.R.: I could look into his eyes and could tell that my brother came this close to pointing his finger at my face...
B.W.: No, I didn't!
B.R.: That's what the baby of the family always says!
B.W.: (Giggles)
B.R.: I marvel at how halftime went. The performance was the usual spectacular, but what I'll remember more is how efficient the operation was. The playing field was converted into a concert stage in only about five minutes, the stage was torn down even quicker than that, and the field was no worse for wear when it was all over.
B.W.: During the game I kept looking over my shoulder at Brandon. It turns out he was watching the game on TV! He was somehow able to use his Wi-Fi connection to get the live game stream. When we were riding back to the hotel room, he confirmed that he was also watching the commercials. His favorites: The never-ending Toyota Prius chase and the Heinz ad with the invading hot dogs.

B.R.: As for the rest of us, we went down to the tailgate area and sat and talked while we waited for Buddy to return from the field. Once we were all reunited, it was back to the hotel for our final night. Our flight back to North Carolina leaves at 6:45 a.m. [Monday] morning and should arrive at about noon local time here, 3 p.m. local to us (Eastern time). Only Buddy and I will be on it; the rest of us in attendance today will leave the area on a commercial flight two hours later.
B.W.: Super Bowl 50 was an adventure of a lifetime. If you can go someday, please do it!
See also: Part 1 Part 2
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