B.W.: This morning, we were picked up at our hotel and taken to a small airstrip from which we boarded a helicopter to fly to the Napa Valley.
B.R.: There are, by one estimate, over 300 wineries in the valley, perhaps the place in the United States most associated with wine, so it takes a lot to stand out. But I'm sure we won't forget where went, because of both the product name and the owner's name: Squashing Leamy Vineyard, owned by Katharine Winehouse.
B.R.: Of course. But we wouldn't go there if the product was crappy or the owner difficult to work with. Thankfully, Ms. Winehouse is emerging as one of the best boutique vintners in the area. That means she makes wine in small quantities and sells most of her product locally.
B.W.: I asked her about the whole business.
- Me: Is that your real name? And are you related to the late singer [Amy]?
- Kate: Yes, that is my real name, and no, I don't know of at least a direct relation. But I am asked all the time if I inherited anything from her. (giggles)
- Me: Where did the name come from?
- Kate: Over a summer, my mother and I watched the game show Now You See It and I saw the letters on the screen. When I got into the business years later, something within my brain recalled the "word" quickly and I saw how perfect the name was. After all, unless you squash the grapes, you don't have a product, right? (giggles again)
- Me: How did you get involved in the business?
- Kate: I grew up near Philadelphia. After college, I took a job at a hotel in the Napa Valley and decided I wanted to work at a winery. I spent over 10 years in the business and saved enough money to buy a small building and a plot of land attached to it. That was six years ago.
After that brief interview, we toured the 15-acre facility and had a tasting. I have never drank alcohol in my life, so he convinced me to taste the product by saying, "If it was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for you." I did taste the wine, but I ran to a nearby bathroom and threw up.
B.R.: Oh well. You've got to build the tolerance.
B.W.: Whatever. Anyway, we then got into a hot-air balloon and flew to a nearby restaurant for a gourmet lunch - roasted duck, potatoes, and mixed vegetables. Yum! I wish we could stay all day in this beautiful setting, but around 3 p.m. we had to go back to the chopper and head back to the city.
B.R.: Where to next, brother?

B.R.: During the show, we got a phone call from Brandy. We sent her to Taste of the NFL to represent the farm and our efforts to end hunger in America. Taste - which itself is celebrating a milestone, its 25th year - includes current and former players, chefs, and other famous people in a food sampling and a social event. This year, it was at the Cow Palace, maybe 15 miles south of where we were.
B.W.: As the night wrapped up, we caught up with the farm back home (Popeye's in charge in our place) and, more importantly, we met our families who will accompany us to Levi's Stadium tomorrow. They are: my wife Brittany, our daughter Lizzie, Bobby's wife Jennifer, and their daughter Belinda. Brandy will fly back to North Carolina and miss the game - at least in person. Maybe the flight will arrive in time for her to watch the action on TV.
Join us for the exciting conclusion. Go Broncos!
B.R.: Keep pounding! And remember what I said on Friday.
("Katherine Winehouse" is actually Julia Gilliard, former prime minister of Australia.)
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