Saturday, October 24, 2015

Bunky's new "album cover"; Buddy Wayne and Bobby Ray share grand prize

A lot went on this week with some of my characters.

First, the second annual Super Bowl Scramble is over, with an unexpected result: Brothers Buddy Wayne and Bobby Ray have agreed to be co-champions of the competition.  After losses by teams assigned to Katie vonHinz and Billie Barefoot in the previous week, both were given back their original teams.  It wasn't easy, but the Broncos (which was B.W.'s original team) and the Panthers (which was Bobby's) pulled out
wins in the sixth week of the NFL season.  However, rather than continue into Week 7 - and, it turns out, into another redraw - both agreed to share the overall title and both will be accommodated into the VIP trip to Super Bowl 50 at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, CA.

"We both had the same idea as to who to send to Santa Clara anyway," Buddy Wayne said in a statement on Monday.  "We want to send our mom Brenda, our brother Bryson, and also send a Bluebird Fund client from every market which has an NFL team - 31 in all."  (The Bluebird Fund is a non-profit organization I made up on Brenda's behalf.  As mentioned two weeks ago, it would combine grief counseling and funeral payment assistant for those who are suddenly deceased.)

Had the Fund existed, nominations for potential guests of the Barefoot brothers at Super Bowl 50 would have begun Thursday.  Nominees could be either themselves or someone else they know, and the deadline would be November 20.  Forms would have been available only at the fund's website.

Complete results will be revised and posted next time.

Now, as promised, here is the photo montage which converts the original picture of Marc Dobson that I displayed last week to the album cover of Bunky's recorded debut as a one-man band.  Before I continue, I must add that this is not the "B.O.M.B." publicity photo I posted two years ago, and shown to the right. That was a good picture, but not a realistic one.  This one (below) is much better.

First, I took Bunky's face and placed it on top of Dobson's.  I then used adjustment layers so that his neck and arms shared the same color as the face.  I then made a selection of everything but Bunky/Dobson and used the backspace on my keyboard to remove all other items.  After erasing some extra parts of the selection, I created a new blank layer and filled it with blue to be the backdrop of the "album cover."

With that, a unique musical career is born!

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