Saturday, December 13, 2014

Cooter makes a confession

One never knows when inspiration will strike.

Recently, I began watching the new series Crowd Control on the National Geographic Channel.  This show, hosted by behavioral expert Daniel Pink, explores how human behavior can be manipulated.  One example that has aired uses plastic bags with embarrasing personal statements in an attempt to get supermarket shoppers to change from those bags to reusable ones.  This is an effort to save the environment and is being adopted by certain governments; in fact, California will ban them statewide as of mid-2015.

Of the several available statements, one caught my eye right away, and that's the one on the T-shirt Jesse Travis "Cooter" Barefoot (middle).  Cooter is a minor character in the Barefoot family; a third cousin of Buddy Wayne's, he is part of the cast of one of my character's spinoff TV series.  What the Buck? chronicles Hambone in her second job, which is as the owner and publicity director of Camp Paradise in Stricklands Crossroads, NC.  While Cooter and his three brothers teach hunting, fishing, and survival skills, Hambone answers the phones, arranges the group visits, and organizes activities after classes.

Like members of a boy band, each brother has special characteristics.  Bear is the brains of the operation, Lil' Jack is ambitious and headstrong, and Boo Boo is quiet and workmanlike.  Oh, and Cooter?  He's the comic relief, an illiterate daredevil who never takes himself seriously.  Just look at what he's wearing:

For what's on the shirt, I took a still from the episode I saw last Monday, then used another layer to isolate the word "BOOGERS" and change the color to black; this was followed by adding a stroke.  I placed it on a plain gray T-shirt.   Cooter's face was cut from the What the Buck? promotional material I made, then added the pants, arms, and legs from the sources I always use.  Finally, the background is the briar patch I picked up from an online forum picture.

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