I know some of you want to know why I have not posted so far this year. Well, the short answer is that I have been bouncing back and forth between several personal projects:
- I completed the episode summaries of Brandy and Bunky: R.O.A.M., for which the first episode is posted in detail here. After leaving Jamaica, they moved on to Ireland, Italy, the Congo River, Kashmir, Thailand, South Korea, Australia, and Mexico before returning to the U.S. In all, they were on the road for 62 days as they visited some of the places and people that will be most affected by the New Earth that would be ushered in by Jesus Christ.
- I put together in my head the first episodes of season 6 of Gone Barefoot (or is it season 11? Even I'm not sure). The least you need to know is that, with Brandy and Bunky touring the world and Miss Hambone has starting a six-month stay in Alaska to be with her boyfriend, a real-life person named Gabe Brown (who's on the Discovery series Alaskan Bush People), the show now follows some distant relatives of the remaining cast. Among other things: Blake competes in the javelin throw of the U.S. Games, Randy races vintage race cars at a local track, and "Bear," a U.S. Army veteran, runs a discussion group of veterans from the American Civil War to the future Armageddon prophesied in the Book of Revelation. But I haven't forgotten about Buddy Wayne: He has a statue put up in his honor at the Singing Grove in Benson, NC. It shows him running with a checkered flag while a guitar is propped over his shoulder.
- BMN Superfan Junior has begun with 10 contestants, five of each gender. It would have started on Jan. 4 with host Matt Rogers and judges Mikel de Vries and Brooke Liptrap. Last week's highlight was a series of paintball matches inspired by Bryson's love of all things Western. Duos battled in a "Western ghost town" with the members of the winning male and female teams battling for the individual wins.
- Finally, I have come back to InDesign. I am considering another entire book - this one depicting New Year's Eve celebrations around the world, specifically tying in to Jesus' impending return - and plan to create a music festival poster with Little Boy Records singers and rappers. The festival will take place at a post-millennial Fort Bragg, also in North Carolina.