Saturday, August 29, 2015

I've seen the sea...

Over the last two weeks, the man behind this site has visited both the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA and Sea World in San Diego.   Here are a few of the more than 30 pictures I took - combined - at both locations.

My visit to the aquarium was on Aug. 14.  Among the highlights were a visit to Lorikeet Forest to see exotic tropical birds, an up-close view of sharks in a large outdoor tropical tank, and special displays emphasizing jellyfish.  In addition, the aquarium had photo displays about human impacts on the water table and water levels, several short films on sea life, and education on marine animal care.

The trip to Sea World was ten days later (this past Monday).  Most of my time was spent traveling to, and seeing, five of the six shows on offer.  This included the world-famous Shamu show (killer whale), as well as a dolphin show and sea lions doing parodies of popular TV programs.  I have no photos from any of these; instead, I decided to photograph more sea creatures.  What you see here are a flamingo display I saw on the way to the Shamu show, and a walrus that lives in the Wild Arctic display.

Finally, I would like to congratulate myself on my 300th official post!  (I have made more, but I threw away about 75 of them about two years ago as they had no relevance to the general subject of this blog.)  Thanks to all for reading and paying attention to my work.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

More items from my InDesign project

My InDesign project is just about complete in the sense of how I want it to look, although obviously not all pictures or design elements have been filled in as of yet.

What has become apparent from putting together the family reunion program is how extensive Buddy Wayne's extended family is, and I'm not just talking about the 13 people - from four generations - that live with him.  As I've mentioned, John Noah is the common ancestor; one of his children, three grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild live on the farm, as well as three in-laws.  (I'll try to show John's "picture" in a future post.)  Well, his extended family has exactly 105 people in it; so many in fact that I need these three screen shots to convey them all.  The first is the full tree, but names aren't visible; the next two are close-ups.  The reason is that I was dependent on the Snipping Tool to transfer the InDesign files into JPG files this blog can use.

(And that's not to mention all the descendants from most of John Noah's five brothers and sisters, his 22 first cousins, and dozens of second cousins.  John's grandfather was "Pink," who had 10 siblings - five of them old enough for their own families - and eight children of his own.  I estimate that the reunion would have somewhere between 600 and 700 people, or four times the number [or more] that attend the reunion of my mom's side of the family that occurs every two years.)

I also made a capture of the John Noah Jam page.  This is the annual Labor Day weekend event in which descendants whose ages have been rolled back to between 6 and 18 (from three different generations) participate in games and activities suitable for their ages.  Younger residents play games and have activities during the daytime, then leave the premises to the teenagers who have more games, a dance music party, and a sleepover.  This year's guest is a familiar face.:)  I estimate that maybe about 30 or 40 people show up.