Saturday, January 3, 2015

BMN Superfan continues and more

Before I share the latest episode of BMN Superfan, I must tell you that I've been hard at work on another Photoshop project.  This one was based on a photo taken of the polygamist Brown family, who are stars of the TLC series Sister Wives.  Kody Brown, the male lead of the "reality" series, has four wives, and all of the wives live in separate households in Las Vegas.  The latest season will begin this coming Sunday, coincidentally the same night as season 6 of Gone Barefoot, the latter of which of course I've made up.

I have remade it into a tribute of sorts to the Barefoot Mommas' Club with one of the mothers' sons watching in approval.  In this montage, Brenda stands in for Janelle, Annie for Meri, Buddy Wayne for Kody, Jennifer for Christine, and Brandy for Robyn.  I also changed the soundstage that was the source of the original TLC publicity photograph to one of the porch pictures I used for earlier projects that showed "the 13" individually.  (I didn't change the color of the sky this time.)

Now to continue my catchup work on BMN Superfan season 3, with another episode from last September.

The first challenge of the show combines speed, endurance, and public service: Each team gleans crops from the ground and gathers fruit from the orchards.  The team with the highest amount of food gathered wins the contest and will present the food to the students of Meadow School, a public school located not far from the farm.  After a spirited but friendly competition, the red team wins, and Michael, Aubrey, Keiji, and Vicky travel to the school.  There, it's explained that the food is desperately needed, as nearly a quarter of the students are eligible for the federal school-lunch program and eat the government-issued food just to get the nutrients they need.

Annie's item is the next to be unveiled in the memory wall: A painting of beautiful wildflowers as depicted in the family's backyard.  In that spirit, the teams now have to create one of three murals on a blank wall inside the barn.  Each mural will have a specific rural theme: farm animals, farm landscapes, and special events.  The red team assigns the following themes for all the contestants: animals for red, events for blue, and landscapes for green.

Phil, heeding what the judges told him at last week's panel, throws himself into this challenge and he helps the green team plan their mural quickly.  On the other hand, the red and blue teams disintegrate into chaos; indeed, Julie is so disgusted that she threatens to quit the challenge and producers have to convince her to return.  Rob takes the task into his own hands and improvises a drawing of a parade of mules, which he says is inspired by Benson Mule Days, as depicted by Brenda in the official family portrait.  Meanwhile, Aubrey starts her caricature of farm animals (pigs, horses, mules etc.) just 30 minutes before time expires, and it looks barely finished.

The resulting panel -  with Barbie Blank and Bill Leslie joined by speed-painting champion John Dickerson - is very spirited.  Rob calls Julie a quitter due to her earlier actions, while Julie accuses her teammates of arguing so much that "I just don't want to be on this team anymore."  "It's like your family, you can't pick it, so deal with it," Rob responds.  Meanwhile, John notes Aubrey's painting and calls it "nothing but bad graffiti"; she responds that if only he could have seen how little the team had organized it before she started her work, and how much she was able to complete before time ran out.  On the other hand, Phil is praised for his comeback effort, leading his team to victory for the week and himself to the individual prize.  Phil now has a $100 store credit at Aaron Brothers Art Mart, which also donates $10,000 to the grand-prize kitty for a new total of $57,000.  As for the elimination, Julie's bad attitude is the deciding factor as she is sent home.  At the end of the show, Rob observes, "Put a dog collar on her as she's a b**ch."  Julie responds, "I'm not a female dog, I'm a valued human being.  Don't you ever forget that, Rob!"

Wow, that was mean, Rob Van Winkle!:(  Anyway, the next post will be for a double-elimination episode.

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