Saturday, February 4, 2017

As promised, the music festival poster

Last week, I spent about an hour creating a poster for a mythical musical festival.  I included Buddy Wayne and all his musical colleagues at Little Boy Records, the label I founded for him some years ago.

I could not save the InDesign file as a JPEG, so I had to create a package within InDesign that included a PDF, open the PDF, and finally shrink it down to a size for which I could see all of it on my computer screen.  After that, I used Snipping Tool to make it a JPEG file.

Now, some of the type may not be readable, so those are the captions:
  • First line below "also featuring": Brittany Spears, Bubba Brister, Blinky Blink, betaBOOZEbrain, Melanie MacMelville
  • Second line below "also featuring": Kimberly Shawnelle "ButtaFly" Wimberly, Bellamy Wood, LaRayne McLamb, O'Neale Timberlake, Barefoot Boys
  • Below that: "Also with comedy from Barney Laughinghouse and a lip-rock performance from The Honey Bees (some of Miss Hambone's friends and distant relatives)"
  • The next three lines are the date (July 15, 2017), the location (Fort Bragg), and the fictitious contact website.
Fort Bragg is a huge U.S. Army base just about 35 miles from the Barefoot home; both are in North Carolina.  After Christ returns to Earth - and of course ends all war on this planet - the military base will probably become recreational and residential space; among the new uses would be for large-scale outdoor events like musical festivals.  In 2016, the Miami Marlins beat the Atlanta Braves in a regular-season Major League Baseball game there, the first any major American-based sport had ever conducted on an active military base.

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