Saturday, April 5, 2014

A moment with Brandy and Bunky

Just one new photograph to share as the third quarter of 2013-14 ends at ABC Adult School.   It goes back to the original "family photo" that dates back to the fall of 2012.  In that picture, shown immediately below, Bunky shows his obvious support for his sister, Brandy.

However, as I looked back, it should have been the other way around!  As you have read in his bio, Bunky had his life turned upside down as he moved into the house; after all, he had the most modern lifestyle, pre-Rapture, of all 13 of them.  Being without electricity or running water, let alone other conveniences, really scared him more than anything else, and he didn't know where to turn.

Brandy showed him the most support, and that should have been reflected in the original picture.  All I can say is, I just blew it!  And besides it no longer matters because the current "official portrait" as seen here shows both of them with their hands in a more conventional position.

So this week I decided both to correct the mistake and give myself one final reminder of the old photo.  How it happened: their familiar faces, arms, and legs were used; puppet warp was used to slant Brandy's left arm onto Bunky's shoulder; and the patch on both shirts were taken from a logo on the website for Barefoot Chiropractic and Wellness, a real business owned by Billie Barefoot and based in Arizona.  Finally, I added a caption that says it all.

Here is the result:

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