This week, I have so much to share that I am posting twice.
In this post, I, as always, put up my latest work from Brady Poirier's Photoshop class at ABC Adult School. As promised last week, I begin with the Bryson and Belinda "fetch a pair of water" photo. One note about the caption is that it is technically incorrect. They are not "first cousins" in the sense that none of their parents are related directly. Instead, Belinda is Bryson's stepdaughter! (Bryson's mother, Brenda, had Bryson out of wedlock; she then had two more kids [B.W. and Bobby] after she married.) Nonetheless, it shows an important facet of life in a traditional, agrarian society like the one in which the Barefoots have chosen to live.
Up next is Barney Laughinghouse, the aptly-named clean comedian who has become one of B.W.'s pen pals. B.W. first saw Barney at the annual regional retreat; there, Barney is often part of the featured entertainment, along with musicians like Bubba Brister and Blondie). The "performance" takes place at a typical comedy club; the bricks come from a photo that was once featured on Brett "Rev. Ralph" Barefoot's Facebook page. His face is that of Austin Barefoot of San Clemente, CA, with the clothing from a couple of sources, the microphone from Buddy and Bonnie Baldridge's bio page, and the arms from ex-Division II NCAA soccer player Bailey Miller. (I should disclose that the Brister and Blondie links are dead; I just made them up to represent the sites they would have if they existed.)
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