Now add Barefoot vs. McLamb to the list of great rivalries.
Both families have a shared history in the same region of North Carolina - where Johnston, Sampson, and Harnett counties intersect - for well over a century. And now it carries over to Idealia. However, Brandon McLamb, Buddy Wayne Barefoot's longtime friend and former publicist, insists that the rivalry is good-natured.
"No matter how much we talk about hating each other, in the end we call it a day and shake hands. Of course, we love to boast about who wears the better clothes, catch the most fish, or who would win a massive balloon fight, but in the end, we know our limits. After all, we couldn't kill ourselves - literally - even if we wanted to."
Even in the pre-Idealian period, members of both families were often friends and even married each other, so it doesn't surprise the bearers of those names that they share a lot in common. Today, the relationship continues on the same path: their homesteads are across the road from each other and there's even talk of one day building a land bridge for easier access.
With that being said, there are points of tension between the clans. Shayla McLamb was B.W.'s first wife, and their marriage was well-awaited by both families and highly publicized due to the groom's celebrity. However, when B.W. found "Bluegrass" Brittany Spears more attractive, Shayla was quickly dumped, feels scorned to this day, and has rallied her family against the Barefoots. In addition, B.W. had to forgive Brandon McLamb for writing the script for Last Night in Vegas, a post-Armageddon motion picture that was supposed to be a tool for youth ministry but which turned into a highly secular film with a soundtrack culled from songs on contemporary hit radio stations.
Nonetheless, some have used pranks to lighten the mood. Bunky Barefoot is notorious for putting Jell-O and eggs on top of beds in the McLamb household, and Ronnie Dale McLamb often sends letters asking Barefoots to do impossible or ridiculous tasks. "When I do those pranks, I feel really good," Bunky says. "It helps take my mind off of the enormous task of trying to adapt to not living a modern life."
Every first Saturday in July, the families come together for the Barefoot-McLamb Block Party, for which B.W. Barefoot and Brandon McLamb are the co-organizers. Activities include tree-climbing, belly flops off a waterfall, and mud bogging (used vehicles driven into a mud pit). There are two buffet meals and a nighttime talent show, at which B.W. always has a starring role with a concert of his hit songs. However, the highlight is the water balloon fight that involves every member of both families. The winning team gets a trophy for one year.
"To have it in our house is the sweetest feeling in the world," says Ralph, who won it for his family in the most recent event with the winning toss. "All those McLambs can do is look at it, as that's the closest to death they'll experience. And if they had the trophy, we would feel the same way." (Of course, Ralph says all that with a laugh. Even all-family balloon fights aren't taken that seriously.)
The block party takes up the entire 300-acre combined area of the family estates and is a welcome day off in the midst of the farming season.
Avatar: "Brandon McLamb" is Matthew R. Barefoot, an oral surgeon in Savannah, GA. Interestingly, Matthew Barefoot, like namesakes and fellow avatars Amanda (Brandy) and Justin (Harvey), have attended the University of North Carolina, Wilmington at various times. And he has a common link to Brandy (Jennifer): Matthew earned his master of doctorate degree at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, while Brandy had a successful kidney transplant at UAB Medical Center in February 2012.
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