Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's a girl!

What an exciting first post I have for 2011.

Brittany Lynnette Spears and Buddy Wayne Barefoot became parents on January 17! Their first child is a daughter named Blanton Elizabeth Spears Barefoot. She weighs 8 pounds and 9 ounces.

The time of birth was 4:42 a.m. and the place was Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC. The hospital is the same facility at which Barefoot had life-saving heart surgery in 2004.

"Just as this hospital gave me life all those years ago, I am happy that it was there that a new life began," Barefoot said in a fakeout statement.

In the same statement, Spears added, "The dream I have always had - to be a wife and mother and to live with the man of my dreams - continues to be realized. I once again thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for this opportunity."

In an interesting note, both sides of the family continue the tradition of personal names starting with the letter B:
  • Brittany has four siblings, Bunch, Bradshaw, Brashears, and Blanton Jr. Blanton Sr. has brothers named Burton, Bowling, and Belcher. And finally, Breckinridge, the "Grandpa Breck" who founded the Spears Family Band, had a brother called Bodkin. To add to all this, Bunch and his wife Sarah gave birth to Brielle McKaylee Spears in July of 2010.
  • Buddy Wayne's brother is named Bobby Ray, his mother is Brenda, and his biological father is Alfred a/k/a Buddy Wayne Sr. Bobby Ray's daughter is named Belinda, and Buddy's cousins Brandy and Bunky have a father named Bradford.
(Photo credit: Deb Holmes, Chesapeake, VA, from her Facebook page. Deb helped me find information about the real Alfred "Buddy" Barefoot that inspired my character's name. The picture is that of one of her nieces and should be a good picture of what Blanton would be like if she existed.)

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